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Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS]

  • 154
  • 02.07.2023
About the trainer

Download Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] with more then 1 cheat options. This trainer for Far Cry 3 is hotsted on our servers and ready to download on your PC.

About Far Cry 3

In Far Cry 3, players take on the role of Jason Brody, a man stranded on a mysterious tropical island. This lawless land of violence and chaos offers players the freedom to decide how the story plays out, from the battles they choose to fight to the allies and enemies they make. As Jason Brody, players will have to use their wits and weapons to survive, as they slash, sneak, detonate and shoot their way across the island in a world where morality has been lost.

cheat options

  • Unlimited Health
  • One Hit Kill
  • Unlimited Armor
  • Unlimited Stamina
  • Unlimited Oxygen
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • No Reload
  • Unlimited Explosives
  • 8x Experience Points
  • Unlimited Skillpoints
  • Unlock Weaponslots
  • Stealth Mode
  • Perfect Aiming
  • Fast Vehicle Repair
  • Inc. Rucksack Slots
  • Unlimited Syringes
  • +2.000 Money
  • +1.000 Maximum Money
  • Infinite Time
  • Increased Speed

Download Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] for PC

How to download and use Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] on PC?

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above.
  2. Download and Install the Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] on your PC.
  3. Run the trainer and Far Cry 3 game.
  4. Now you can use the trainer, activate avaliable cheats and play!

Is Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] safe for my PC?

Absolutely yes, Far Cry 3 [1.06/DirectX 11] [iNvIcTUs oRCuS] is 100% safe. The application is checked by our team and popular websites as VirusTotal. Sometimes and some antiviruses might detect the trainer as virus (usually few detects, up to 2), but it is completely safe. Due to it's nature it can be detected as false positive. Just ignore this an run the app.

Game Information
  • Platform: PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 Xbox 360 Xbox One
  • Developers: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Publishers: Ubisoft
  • Release date: Dec 4, 2012