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The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer)

  • 140
  • 10.05.2024
About the trainer

Download The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) with more then 55 cheat options. This trainer for Trainers is hotsted on our servers and ready to download on your PC.

55 cheat options

_____ .. ! D i S S O N A N C E 2 o o 5 ! ..
_ _//___ ___ _____ ____
__/\______ ___ _____\_ ____ __________ ____ \______
\__/ __//_ __/_ \ \ \ \__ ___ \___
__ / \__ \__ _ \ _ /_ \ ____/ ____ /
\___________________ ______________\___\______|_______\ _______*/__/
|:| ::
|/| The.Settlers.Heritage.of.Kings.Expansion.Disc.TRAINER.PROPER ::
|:| ::
|/| Release Type: Trainer Release Date: 08252005 ::
|:| Option......: +06 Release Size: 1 x 5mb ::
|/| Game Version: 1.03 ::
::|___ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ __ ____::
-+/|_//(/+-)//-)-/(:.. R E L E A S E N O T E S ..:]_\-)(-/-+\::
::| ::
|/| DiSSONANCE made a proper version over PiZZADOX's because their ::
|:| release distorts graphics and occasionally gives negative values. ::
|/| It also maxed out pc resources when it was activated making the ::
|:| game very laggy. When it was toggled off the game remained buggy ::
|/| and caused resources to be negative as soon as you buy something. ::
|:| We made a resource trainer (with ability to select 1 resource) ::
|/| that does not lag your game, does not mess up graphics and does ::
|:| always work without side effects such as negative resources, etc. ::
|/| ::
|:| Greetings do go out to our colleagues in PiZZADOX for a good try. ::
|/| ::
|:| Terminal. :: :
|/| :: |
::|___ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ __ __::.|
-+/ _//(/+-)//-)-/(:.. I N S T A L L A T i O N ..:]_\-)(-/-+\__:+-
::| ::
|/| 1.) Unrar ::
|:| 2.) Load trainer, then game ::
|/| ::
::|___ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ _ __ __::.|
-+/ _//(/+-)//-)-/(:.. G R O U P N O T E S ..:]_\-)(-/-+\__:+-
::| ::
|/| ::
|:| ::
|/| ::
::|___ _ ___ __ _ __ __ _ __ ____::
-+/ _//(/+-)//-)-/(:.. C O N T A C T & G R E E T S ..:]_\-)(-/-+\::
::| ::
|/| We are currently looking for, ::
|:| -pre-retail suppliers ::
|/| -crackers/coders that can produce game trainers/NOCD cracks :: :
::| -or if you believe you have something else of interest :: |
::| :: |
::| [email protected] :: |
::| :: |
|:|___ _ _ ___ ___ ___: :___ ___ ___ __ __::_|
-+-/_//+-(//-(/+-/((-\_|- - DiSSONANCE 2005 - -|_//-))/-+)/-\)-+\_:+-
-//-//ascii done by GRiM FANDANGO\-\-

Download The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) for PC

How to download and use The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) on PC?

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above.
  2. Download and Install the The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) on your PC.
  3. Run the trainer and Trainers game.
  4. Now you can use the trainer, activate avaliable cheats and play!

Is The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) safe for my PC?

Absolutely yes, The Settlers 5: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disc (Resource Trainer) is 100% safe. The application is checked by our team and popular websites as VirusTotal. Sometimes and some antiviruses might detect the trainer as virus (usually few detects, up to 2), but it is completely safe. Due to it's nature it can be detected as false positive. Just ignore this an run the app.