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Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004

  • 124
  • 11.05.2024
About the trainer

Download Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 with more then 106 cheat options. This trainer for Trainers is hotsted on our servers and ready to download on your PC.

106 cheat options

brings you..
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions v.1.004 Plus 9 Trainer (c) Capcom
Release Date [ 01/09/2007
Release Size [ 1xSmall Platform [ WinXP
Release Type [ Trainer Game Type [ Action
Supplier [ Unleashed
Today team BReWErS is back with another release. We know this release
is pretty old and that there are already trainers made for this game
within the scene. Most of you guys are probably using those. Just for
people who would like to play the game again in which they have more
possibilities of taking down those monsters we created this trainer.
This trainer is made using the following patch from unleashed:
# Hotkey Option
1 F1 Infinite Ammo/ Grenades/ No Reload
2 F2 Unlimited Energy
3 F3 Infinite Health
4 F4 One Hit Kill
5 F5 Low Gravity/ Super Jump
6 F6 Super Speed
7 F7 Slow Motion Enemies
8 F8 Enemies Can't Move
NUMPAD1 Return Enemy Movement Back To Normal
9 F9 Enable Teleport System
NUMPAD2 Save Position
NUMPAD3 Restore Position
F1: Infinite Ammo/ Grenades/ No Reload
This option will give you infinite Ammo, Grenades and also takes down
the reload time in the game.
F2: Unlimited Energy
A pretty straight forward option. This will give you Unlimited Energy.
Within the game it's called T-ENG, this energy is used to restore
damage taken in a fight. The option will give the ability to keep
restoring your health.
F3: Infinite Health
Another option which didn't take long to make. This option will give
Infinite Health. You can now take as much damage as you want. You
Will not lose any energy and won't have any damage.
F4: One Hit Kill
Another option for your pleasure. This time it's a nice One Hit Kill
option. With this option enabled you can kill anything with just one
shot. Please note that this game is using scripted scenes and it may
happen like stated in all other trainers that you may get stuck one
Example is the opening sequence with the "green eye". When you en-
counter such problems just disable the option and re-enable it when
you are past that scene.
F5: Low Gravity/ Super Jump
This option took a pretty sick long time to reverse. It's a great
option and really gives something extra's to the game. With this
enabled you can jump very high up and forward in the sky. Makes
makes it really easy to jump to high places. You won't even have
to use your graple in the first level to reach the first 'balcony';)
F6: Super Speed
Another option which really gives something extra's to the game.
On some levels you have to walk/ run pretty far to get to new places
with this option enabled you will travel to those places with the
speed of light;). This makes traveling a lot more fun. Also escaping
from enemies is really easy as they can't catch up with you;)
F7: Slow Motion Enemies
This option is really sweet also. It will make all enemies go in
slow motion. It's incredible easy to kill those bastards now.
F8: Enemies Can't Move
With this option enabled enemies won't be able to move any more.
Just a small warning when you kill someone now, usually the bodies
will fall on the ground and eventually dissapear. This won't happen
when you have this option enabled as the enemie can't move. This
isn't a bug, the animation won't be used anymore as the game registers
them dead and you know dead people can't move;).
To undo the options F7 or F8 simple press NUMPAD1. The game will update
the values and will restore the movements back to normal.
F9: Teleport System
Last but not least we present you guys a nice teleport system.
With this option enabled you will be given two more keys:
NUMPAD1: This will save your current position within the game
NUMPAD2: This will teleport you back to your last saved position
1. We have included both versions within the brew-lpec1.004.rar
2. If you run XP and want to play the DX9 version you choose
the brew-lpec from the /DX9 directory.
3. If you run VISTA and want to play the DX10 version you choose
the brew-lpec from the /DX10 directory. Make sure you run the
trainer with Administrator Rights!!
4. You can choose to start the game first or you can press Run
game button and follow the steps on the screen.
5. Toggle desired Options on/off
Team BReWErS is currently looking for
* 100mbit+ affil sites
* 10mbit+ dumps for exclusive use
Don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Greetings are flying out to:
biggup the uri gellar bevsters
ascii by h8/HiGHONASCii

Download Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 for PC

How to download and use Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 on PC?

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above.
  2. Download and Install the Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 on your PC.
  3. Run the trainer and Trainers game.
  4. Now you can use the trainer, activate avaliable cheats and play!

Is Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 safe for my PC?

Absolutely yes, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition v1.004 is 100% safe. The application is checked by our team and popular websites as VirusTotal. Sometimes and some antiviruses might detect the trainer as virus (usually few detects, up to 2), but it is completely safe. Due to it's nature it can be detected as false positive. Just ignore this an run the app.