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GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

  • 133
  • 10.05.2024
About the trainer

Download GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City with more then 23 cheat options. This trainer for Trainers is hotsted on our servers and ready to download on your PC.

23 cheat options

. .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. .
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PLUS 4 TRAINER (C) PiZZADOX *
Release Date .....: 05-09-03 Disks .....: 01 x 5.00mb
Release Type .....: Trainer Options ...: Plus 4
[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]
Unzip/Unrar trainer into your game directory, then start trainer
with "pzdgtavc.exe", and finally start the game. During gameplay
use following trainer options by pressing the corresponding key(s):
F5 Infinite Health
F6 Infinite Armor
F7 Infinite Ammo
F8 Infinite CarArmor
F9 Back to Normal
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[ G r e e t i n g s ]
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Download GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PC

How to download and use GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on PC?

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above.
  2. Download and Install the GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on your PC.
  3. Run the trainer and Trainers game.
  4. Now you can use the trainer, activate avaliable cheats and play!

Is GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City safe for my PC?

Absolutely yes, GENiEBEN Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is 100% safe. The application is checked by our team and popular websites as VirusTotal. Sometimes and some antiviruses might detect the trainer as virus (usually few detects, up to 2), but it is completely safe. Due to it's nature it can be detected as false positive. Just ignore this an run the app.