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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer

  • 236
  • 15.12.2022
About the trainer

Download The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer with more then 36 cheat options. This trainer for The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel II is hotsted on our servers and ready to download on your PC.

About The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel II

It is a myth that peace is a good thing. Civil war has broken out across the planet after the Noble-faction took over the kingdom. The Noble Alliance had made a name for themselves by taking many cities in the nation. The Imperial Army just begun sweeping itsesquiagedy. When Rean escaped Trista with Valimar, his friends dashed into danger to give him enough time to get on a plane.

36 cheat options

Unlimited HP
Unlimited EP
Unlimited CP
Unlimited BP
Max Overdrive Gauge
100% Accuracy
100% Evasion
Max Speed/Zero Delay
Max Move Range
Max Attack Range
Immune All Negative Status
Stealth Mode
Unlimited Items
Edit Mira
Edit Sepith (Earth)
Edit Sepith (Water)
Edit Sepith (Fire)
Edit Sepith (Wind)
Edit Sepith (Time)
Edit Sepith (Space)
Edit Sepith (Mirage)
Edit Sepith Mass
Sepith Multiplier
Unlimited Exp
Exp Multiplier
Unlimited Master Quartz Exp
Max Link Lv
Unlimited AP
Unlimited Bond Points
Max Unbalance Efficacy
Max Status Efficacy
Max Elemental Efficacy
Super Damage/One-Hit Kills
Unlimited Fishing Chances
Unlimited Angler Points
Set Game Speed

Download The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer for PC

How to download and use The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer on PC?

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Click on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above.
  2. Download and Install the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer on your PC.
  3. Run the trainer and The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel II game.
  4. Now you can use the trainer, activate avaliable cheats and play!

Is The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer safe for my PC?

Absolutely yes, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Trainer is 100% safe. The application is checked by our team and popular websites as VirusTotal. Sometimes and some antiviruses might detect the trainer as virus (usually few detects, up to 2), but it is completely safe. Due to it's nature it can be detected as false positive. Just ignore this an run the app.

Game Information
  • Platform: PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita
  • Developers: Falcom
  • Publishers: XSEED Games
  • Release date: Feb 14, 2018